Spencer Cox

Winston-Salem Training Specialist


University of North Carolina at Wilmington with a BA in Special Education

Favorite Parts of ABA:

DTT and pairing with our learners by playing and being silly.

Interests Outside of Work:

Going to concerts, trying new restaurants, traveling, reading, going to see a movie, being outside, singing, watching sports,  and spending time with family and friends.

What ABtA’s Mission and Values Mean to Me:

Our values around being learner-centered stand out to me. At ABtA, we empower our learners to advocate for themselves, fostering autonomy in their ABA journey. By being learner-centered, we cultivate independence, giving control back to the learner whenever possible. I am also proud of our values of being family-centered, and actively involving families in decisions surrounding their child’s treatment plans. Together, we work as a team to “unlock their highest potential and create significant, meaningful, and life-long changes” that extend beyond the individual to enrich the lives of their families.

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