At ABtA we value the professional development of all of our employees. For newly certified, or inexperienced, Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA), we offer a specialized mentorship program. This mentorship includes: 

  • Monthly group meetings related to diverse Applied Behavior Analytic topics. The meetings are open to all trainees and BCBAs in the agency, follow a specific topic sequence, and include time for discussion.
  • Monthly supervision meetings with ABtA’a Clinical Director (LPA).
  • Internal Continuing Education events where all BCBAs can accrue (free!) CEUs and work on their own professional growth and scope of competence in different areas.
  • Weekly mentorship meetings with a senior BCBA to review questions, concerns, learner-specific questions, collaboration, and deliver/receive specific feedback.
  • Close collaboration with your mentor BCBA and other experienced BCBAs in the agency: case collaboration, consultation, overlap, and treatment plan assistance.
  • Individualized Feedback from your BCBA mentor.
  • Individualized quality assurance assessments (all BCBAs receive this, regardless of level).
  • Close adherence to, and guidance on, the BACB Professional and Ethical Compliance Code.
  • We ensure that we all remain within our scope of practice and competence and support each other as needed!
  • A gradual build-up of your caseload.
  • A structured and organized system with templates for assessment reports, treatment plans, BIPs, and specific protocols, which should be individualized for each learner.
  • A structured career path for all BCBAs where they can grow within their role. 
  • Access to a variety of resources including podcasts, books, articles, and presentations.

In addition, all BCBAs, regardless of level, receive collaboration, support, peer mentorship, materials, and continuing education support from ABtA’s BCBAs.