Sam Daniels



  • High Point University, B.S. in Psychology
  • Wake Forest University, M.A. in Counseling
  • Arizona State University, Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis

Favorite Parts of ABA:

I am passionate about assent-based practices and enjoy early intervention! I love building relationships with our learners, creating a fun environment for them, and helping them gain new skills along the way!

Interests Outside of Work:

I love spending time with my dog, baking, reading, and listening to music and podcasts.

What ABtA’s Mission and Values Mean to Me:

I love the emphasis ABtA places on learner- and family-centered services. We prioritize following the learner’s lead, honoring their dignity and autonomy, and collaborating with caregivers to make services applicable and relevant to their everyday lives. We balance compassion and empathy with evidence-based practices, ensuring that we deliver high quality services that acknowledge the greatness of who our learners are and the potential in how they will grow!

© Copyright A Bridge to Achievement NC, LLC. All rights reserved. (Note: Individuals pictured are not clients.)