Monica Southard



Florida Institute of Technology, M.A. in Professional Behavior Analysis

California State University, B.A. in Psychology

Utah State University, B.S. in Communication Disorders and Deaf Education

Favorite Parts of ABA:

My favorite part of ABA is working on functional communication. From PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) to speech devices, whatever works for the child I am excited to support them in finding their words!

Interests Outside of Work:

I love spending time with my two kids and husband. Bonus points if we are gardening, cooking or reading together.

What ABtA’s Mission and Values Mean to Me:

I feel privileged to be a part of a wonderful team of people who share the same values as me. Every team member treats our learners with respect, dignity and compassion.  At ABTA learners are celebrated for who they are as individuals. I love that I get to create programming that is tailored to make meaningful improvements in our learners and their families lives.

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