Missy Hudon

Charlotte Regions Training Specialist


Graduated summa cum laude with a BA in Psychology from Southern New Hampshire University

Favorite Parts of ABA:

I love being part of our learners’ growth and success. It warms my heart to see the happiness and excitement on their faces when they achieve their goals.

Interests Outside of Work:

One of my all time favorite hobbies is bass fishing, although I don’t get to enjoy it nearly as often as I’d like. When I’m not fishing, I love spending time with friends and family, especially my children, traveling, geocaching, and playing pool.

What ABtA’s Mission and Values Mean to Me:

ABtA’s mission and values are the backbone of the organization. Our practices stand true to our philosophy, in that we continue to build on the strengths of our learners, tailoring each development plan to meet the specific needs of the individual learner and their family.  At ABtA, we strive to create meaningful relationships; our learners and their families are truly valued and treated with compassion and dignity every step of the way.

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