Kelly Holladay

Vice President of Clinical Services and Specialized Programs



Florida Institute of Technology, BCBA Verified Course Sequence

University of Hartford, M.S. in Organization Psychology

College of Charleston, B.S. in Psychology

Favorite Parts of ABA:

I love watching learners increase their manding repertoires by teaching learners how to request desired items, activities, and actions. I have a passion for verbal behavior and ensuring that each learner’s goals are functional for themselves and their families.

Interests Outside of Work:

I enjoy spending time with my family and dog, playing golf, and looking for sharks’ teeth when I go to the beach.

What ABtA’s Mission and Values Mean to Me:

Our work has a significant impact on the lives of the learners and families that we serve and ABtA recognizes the importance of what we do. I share ABtA’s mission for excellence and value that ABtA provides evidence-based and individualized services. ABtA truly cares about their learners and their staff, and their mission and values set learners and staff up for success!

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