Kameron Rickard



UNC Charlotte, B.A. in Psychology

Arizona State University, M.A. in Special Education

Favorite Parts of ABA:

I love teaching our learners how to functionally communicate and watching this transfer into their environment outside of ABA. I also love working within the early learner program and getting our learners ready for school.

Interests Outside of Work:

Going to workout classes with friends, trying new recipes / trying new restaurants, reading, and hanging with family.

What ABtA’s Mission and Values Mean to Me:

ABTA’s core values and mission sheds insight into the importance of respecting all learners, families, and staff. At ABTA, we treat everybody equally, with compassion, respect, and dignity. We honor assent within our learners to its fullest and honor all means of autonomy in our learners. We put our learners and families first and are always advocating for them, which is so important to me! We are an ethics-based company that upholds these to its fullest.

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