Daijah Walker



National University, M.S. in Applied Behavior Analysis

Winston-Salem State University, M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling

Winston-Salem State University, B.S. in Rehabilitation Studies

Favorite Parts of ABA:

I love seeing our learners progress in so many ways! From increasing their communication to teaching activities of daily living skills, I enjoy all stages of the process. Skill acquisition through play and naturalistic teaching is truly my passion, especially when provided in a rich and fun environment! I also like to assist our learners in effective behavior management techniques and self-regulation strategies while honoring and respecting them on an individual basis.

Interests Outside of Work:

Outside of work, I am satisfied with the little things in life. Being at home and spending time with my family is most rewarding. I also like to listen to podcasts and music, binge watch a good TV show, or read during my down time. I also enjoy working out and being active. With my busy schedule, I typically do strength and conditioning or cardio workouts from home. Lastly, I love to cook and experiment with new meals/foods. The thought of baking is always fun, too; just give me a good recipe!

What ABtA’s Mission and Values Mean to Me:

I am appreciative of ABtA’s mission and core values, as they align with my obligation as a behavior analyst and my personal views. Being in this role allows me to be part of a team, supporting families who will be seen, heard, and valued throughout the duration of their journey. No matter how big or small, meaningful change can be so impactful. I am thrilled to be a part of each learner’s journey while recognizing that they are a human first!

© Copyright A Bridge to Achievement NC, LLC. All rights reserved. (Note: Individuals pictured are not clients.)