Celia Courville

Specialized Programs Coordinator


Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. I am currently working on my MA in ABA from FIT.

Favorite Parts of ABA:

My favorite technical part of the ABA field is the absolute importance it places on ethical practices, and that shows in its emphasis on science and empirically based practices. In the field, my favorite aspect of the job is pairing with the clients and building the foundation for them to grow and flourish.

Interests and Hobbies:

Outside of work, I enjoy reading, creative endeavors like drawing and painting, and playing with my dog.

What ABtA’s Mission and Values Mean to Me:

To me, the mission and core values for ABtA culminate in the idea of kind and responsible assistance to our clients to be the best that they can be. It is the clients who are doing the work to be the best versions of themselves, to grow and learn. We are there to help them with this, they are the most important people in our eyes, and we strive to do right by them every day.
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