Anita Ryan



Arizona State University, M.A. in Special Education (Applied Behavior Analysis)

American International College, BS in Psychology

Favorite Parts of ABA:

I love teaching our learners to be more independent through their communication and daily living skills!

Interests Outside of Work:

When I am not working with our awesome learners I am a mommy to my 3 boys, we do lots of arts & crafts, and I am a total foodie!

What ABtA’s Mission and Values Mean to Me:

The services we provide to our families really stand true to our beliefs! At ABtA we strive to individualize each program, support each family, and help our learners strive for independence. We nurture everyone’s unique gifts, expand skills, and embrace differences. There is a special harmony within ABtA!

© Copyright A Bridge to Achievement NC, LLC. All rights reserved. (Note: Individuals pictured are not clients.)