Amaya Whetzel



Campbell University: B.S. in Exercise and Sport Science & Minor in Health & Wellness, Ball State University: M.A. in Applied Behavior Analysis, Certificate in Autism

Favorite Parts of ABA:

My favorite part of the ABA field is the impact that it has on learners and their families. Within the field we work in areas to increase communication, daily living, and alternative behavior engagement. It is very rewarding to see learners master these skills and be able to use them in their everyday lives. I also love when families get to see the ABA in action and tell their teams about how the learner is progressing in ABA and also outside of ABA in the community and home.

Interests Outside of Work:

Going to local coffee shops and shopping at local boutiques and stores, I love to exercise and doing anything that involves moving my body, and I love spending time with my dog Tobi Ray!

What ABtA’s Mission and Values Mean to Me:

ABtA’s mission and core values mean the world to me. ABtA is family and learner centered at all times. ABtA is a warm and welcoming environment that ensures safety and dignity to all families, learners, and staff. ABtA’s mission and values align with my own personal values and I am thankful to be a part of such a wonderful, compassionate, and ethical team.

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